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I woke up yesterday with a cold. This is not surprising because I have been working nonstop since mid-October with only a couple of days off here and there. My work is feast or famine, and I told myself to just keep going. Never say no to work. Towards the end of last week, I could tell that my ride or die attitude may not have been the best plan. I hate feeling so spent. Hence, here I am today, sick in bed, which is where I've been since about 8pm last night, writing this much overdue blog post.

Which is actually a brilliant, yet completely unplanned segue to this blog topic, being COZY.

I don't know about you, but I am a huge fan of feeling cozy at home. There is nothing like wrapping up in a soft throw blanket with fuzzy socks on while I'm reading or watching TV on the couch. I also like throwing an extra blanket on my bed when the nights are chilly. And I'm not the only one. When my son was little, he'd sweetly request an "extra layer of cozy" on winter nights when his bed didn't feel quite warm enough. At the same time, I'm not a huge fan of cranking the heat up. To me being cozy means keeping my house just warm enough, but my body nice and toasty.

Creating a cozy home is one of the most caring things you can do for yourself and your family! You're basically making it easy to stay comfortable, long before you ever become uncomfortable. For many of my clients, this type of self care is sorely needed, yet sorely lacking. But here's the thing. Even people with messy homes deserve to be cozy! And the better you feel inside your home, the more you're going to care about decluttering. and creating a more peaceful space. Win/Win!

Let me give you a few examples of how you can stay cozy without cranking your heat up. If I can inspire you to do just one of these things, I will feel like I've done my job!

Throw blankets

I am a huge fan of throw blankets! I have them draped over the couches and and folded up in baskets in the living room and our bedrooms. This winter has been cold and my stack of blankets have gotten a lot of use! If you haven't wrapped up in a blanket on the couch since you were a kid, I say RUN to Target or Marshalls and get yourself one or two immediately! Most of my throws were under $20. While you're there, buy a cute basket to store your thows and pillows in.

(Ballard Designs)



I never really thought much about throw pillows until recently. But now I love them! Pillows not only add visual interest, they also make things look and feel cozier. It's good to have some seasonal options, especially in winter when you crave softer textures.





Lighting candles at night is a great way to add cozy, twinkly ambiance in winter. But lit candles also pose risks, especially in homes with littles. Flameless candles have come a long way to the point where they actually look real. You can find them all over the internet in assorted sizes and effects for not much money.


Socks and Slippers

In the colder months, I like to wear socks and slippers around the house. It just feels cozier than wearing my street shoes or being barefoot! Fuzzy socks especially can be found for nothing at Ross. I keep mine in my bedroom and near our couch. If you don't own a pair, buy some TODAY!


(LL Bean)



Remember that 1990's trend pashminas? Well, it held zero interest for me back then. But a few years ago, my friend Rochelle gave me hers, and let's just say I drank the pashmina kool aid! I wear mine in bed, reading on the couch, driving to pick my son up at night, at my winter synagogue board meetings - wherever and whenever I want an extra layer of cozy. Truth be told, I'm wearing it right now in my sickbed! Thanks Rochelle!


Trader Joe's flowers

Whenever I'm at Trader Joes, I like to buy flowers. I generally cut their stems way down and plunk them in a squat vase for my coffee table. This way I get to admire them in my down time! Flowers are a homey touch that give can instantly elevate your space and make you feel good. Instant cozy!

(Trader Joe's)

I'm going to end here rather than show you photo after photo of our pets sleeping, which was my original plan. Suffice to say, pets need to be cozy too! So take care, and feel welcome to share any and all ideas you might have on coziness. I'm now going to drink some ginger tea and take a nap...........



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