Pandemic Divestment Tips
Happy December 26th Friends! Did you have a good holiday season? We went with the flow, stayed home, and found joy in the small moments....
Stocking Up
I have started and stopped this post on stocking your pantry and freezer about a dozen times. I was worried that I’d come off as a crazy...
The Benefits of Decluttering
Are you on Instagram? I am. Let just say I've fallen for Instagram hard. As a beauty craver (is that even a word?) I can get my fix of...
File like a Picky Six Year-Old Eater
Hello! This is the final post about how to tame paper clutter and streamline your files. If you missed the three previous posts, here are...
Easy Does It Filing System , Part 1
Are you plagued by paper clutter? Paper clutter is the most common form of clutter out there. If this is something you live with, know...
Gifts are the journey, not the destination
Picture this: We're rapidly sorting through items in a home and come upon something that is clearly different from everything else. My...