The Life changing Magic of the Bulky Waste Pick up
Have you ever called your city for a bulky waste pick up?
I ask because I spent the morning helping a client put this pile together. We moved items from the garage, garden and house to the curb - over and over and over - and I have to say it was cathartic! When we were done, I felt energized and optimistic as though the world was my oyster- and it wasn't even my stuff! One might even say it was, well, life changing!
If you're a homeowner, most cities give you one bulky waste pick up per calendar year. Some cities, such as Berkeley, which is where I was this morning, will even allow you to put out furniture. Trust me. Your city will give you the point by point parameters when you schedule your pick up.
Do what I do when I schedule mine and imagine you're talking to Roz from Monsters Inc.
(No disrespect to municipal employees. I just LOVE Roz! I mean, c'mon. Look at that face!)
I schedule my bulky waste pick ups every year or two even if I'm positive I don't have enough "stuff" to get rid of. But once I set my mind into divest mode, I'm always amazed how many things I can find.
So let's pretend you called and scheduled your pick up for two weeks from today. What next?
Well, I suggest you prowl around your home, garage and yard for items that can go on the pile -- or in the case of my beautiful city, in the bag. Be ruthless. Be honest. Create a staging area in the garage. Keep adding to the pile as you go. The day before the pick up, bring it ALL out to the curb. (Pro Tip: KEEP IT TIDY!) Then give yourself a high five because you will feel buoyant and free once it's all whisked away!
And know that you can do it again in the next calendar year!
Have I motivated you to schedule a bulky waste pick up yet? Let me know!